
How to get your moneys worth

Customer Service people need good tools to serve the customer

Poor service is managements fault.  Employees need the right tools, training and incentives.

A handful of companies that deliver customer service excellence

Shysters never win.  Fool me once, shame on you.  Fool me twice, shame on me.

Your front line people create the image your customers see.  Make it as good as your TV spots.

Airlines are going from bad, to really bad to pathetic.  Greyhound is better.

Can you hear me now?  "Oh, yes... we have service there".

A nice personal touch with automated systems.

Health provides do a poor job of understanding the concept of customer service.

Negotiate Anything! comes with a 100% Money Back Guarantee.  See P261 for details.

Co-Author and Co-Founder of The CareGiver Partnership -

Tom Wilson - Co-Author of Negotiate Anything! and Co-Founder of The CareGiver Partnership